I still don't feel better about it but she thinks I took it well, sucks to be really good at hiding pain from other people
2003-10-21 - 11:20 a.m.

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Mission� I need to go get drunk as shit was a major success. Well it depends on how you define major success. I was able to get drunk and not kill myself or anyone else for that matter. Not that the killing thing was on the agenda but the way things work for me you never know. So in the midst of drowning my sorrows in British beer, I know may the Irish beer gods forgive the wretchedness of my heart and have pity on me for my lack of better judgment. Seriously though perhaps it would be better if the pubs here all got on board the whole Guinness thing and then I wouldn�t be forced to betray my blood. Ok where was I � oh yes wallowing not so much in self pity or loathing or anything but just feeling bad about things.

There are a lot of strikes against me � I started to list them all off but that was making me feel worse about it because I got to like 20 some odd things and still had more things popping into my head. So mostly I think I should just be a bit more practical and realistic about things and except the fact that I�ll be alone. I can�t take this stuff anymore so I guess it�s better to stick to the pain you know than to set your self up to new ones.

I�m going to do a mission too soon so look for that I didn�t forget just got busy with stuff .

For the entry on Saturday�s big fucking huge ass fund raiser drunk fest go here.

Have a great day and even better tomorrow. Play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Z101

Wearing: White button up, gray slacks, black socks, white t-shirt crew neck, belt, gray boots, gray boxer briefs, silver ring left hand, black cord necklace and my watch.

Motto: Your village called their idiot is missing

Drinking: coffee

Eating: nada

Current Invisible Army Mission: September 2003

Write me: Don, PO Box 4425, Roanoke, VA 24015

IM me: invisibledon on MSN, invisible980 on AIM

E-mail: [email protected]

Song lyrics:

Quote :

Last night I slept for: 6 hours � drunk sleep too so that was fun

Last IM was from: Ixora05

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