Dog's IQ may be a standard deviation or two below normal
2002-01-16 - 11:36 a.m.

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Today I had some odd thoughts in the shower today

Do plants feel pain? And if so does grass like really hate being grass �cause you know if they can in fact feel pain then it really has to suck to be grass. I mean what with the trampling and mowing and people and things crapping all over you

Being grass must really suck

Then what about vegetables � oh they think they have the life right until the pot of boiling water � do they know that is what is coming to them hanging out in the vegetable patch watching the grass get the hell beat out of it all the time while the veggies are all pampered and watered and given plenty of room to grow

The flowers all probably know the deal and tell the veggies oh you have nothing to worry about �sadists those flowers are � all pretty and cute but they are just plain mean teasing the grass and veggies like that

The second thing I thought was that dog is not very smart

He is cute and all � not Nermal from Garfield cute but cute but his brain is about like Odie�s

He got his head stuck in a soda cube this morning � I�m sitting there watching the thing stick his head in and then he can�t get it out � I shake my head and reach to pull him out and zap I shock him (darn static) and then he looks at me �why you zap me Thor?�

I said �silly cat don�t stick your head in there�

So then we head to the shower I open the door he walks in I turn on the water he jumps out � he doesn�t get wet or very wet but we have been through this every morning since September

When he first started doing it I would pull him out and go to turn on the water and he would jump right back in before I could turn on the water � So now I just turn on the water

He hangs out and tries to get in the door while I�m in the shower and when I�m done and I open the door he jumps in again then he sits in the puddles on the floor and watches the water beads roll down the walls

I shave and he sits in his puddle and watches the water beads

I use to get him out when I left the bathroom but I don�t anymore I just turn off the light he sits in the dark in the puddles and watches the water beads this morning I went back in after 10 minutes he was still in there

He tries to smell burning candles

He singed his eyebrows right before thanksgiving then a few days before Christmas � you would think that the first time would cure him � nope he did it again two days later and then again a few weeks ago I think in all he has done it four times maybe five

You know what they say curiosity killed the cat � well I think curiosity may claim this one

He ran in to a closed door the other day BAM just took off at a full run toward the door didn�t even try to stop I hear this thump thud Meow and he comes staggering back into the room I�m in I just shake my head

He doesn�t even land on his feet He�ll jump off of something BAM CRUMPLE ROLL

Then he�ll sit there shake his head and look to see if I saw him do it � Mostly I do or I hear him Meow right after a thump

So dog isn�t smart I don�t care

Mostly he is cool and he is psycho a lot less now

Maybe he�ll get more coordinated too � maybe

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