The thunder god ... ok not really
2002-01-15 - 10:05 a.m.

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So the other day I�m walking through my living room and dog is perched on the back of the couch

He has this look of pure evil on his face, you know the look only a cat can muster up and you know what ever it is they are thinking is just not good.

I know dog is not evil and in case you don�t know dog is what I named my cat

So I�m walking and I have to go by dog so I say (yes to the cat) � I don�t know what you are thinking but you better not try it got it�

Dog just looked at me as if to say � Lot you know two legged hairless beast I�m in charge�

As I pass dog he swipes out with his paw and comes very close to my arm and then


I only heard the static charge but from the sound it was big I looked at dog and he had a very confused look on his face so I said, � I told you not to try it�

Now when comes up to me he tentatively reaches out to test the waters like I�m going to zap him again and as luck would have it he has gotten a static click now and then but not nearly like the first one

Dog now thinks I�m Thor and I�m not telling him otherwise.

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