Page One
2005-04-13 - 12:02 a.m.

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This is new to inside the mind of invisible don � I�m in the process of writing a story, actually a few of them, but the point is that I�m a slack ass bastard and I get caught up in not writing for long periods so in a means to force myself into writing I�ll be posting pages from on of the stories. So here goes the first step into the deep end.

Page One

Laying in my bed half awake and just beginning to recognize my surrounding the mind starts to play tricks on you. I�m aware of the bed it�s comfortable and I don�t want to open my eyes, the smell of breakfast cooking I visualize my surroundings lying in my bed that is sunken into the floor so it really took up no room in the room. The stairs just outside my door leading right down to the kitchen. I see myself in my mind looking out the window to the forsythia which would be yellow with blossoms this time of year. The birds would be flocking to the feeders the chickadees and sparrow mostly, a few mourning doves, cardinals and cowbirds. The rich smell of coffee begins to float into the air and I think I�ll spend my morning watching the birds sipping coffee and sitting in then warm nook off the kitchen.

�Xavier you up?� came a voice which was entirely out of place for what I was seeing in my mind as I was drifting awake. �Come on X are you up or not, I need a smoke.�

Instantly I was transported thousands of miles from where I was lying to here. I wasn�t in my grandmother�s farm house, rather I was military housing. The voice was Zimm, or rather Zimmerman, an opinionated farm-boy from some dirt-water town in Iowa who thought because he listened to Miles Davis and Jim Morrison it somehow made him so much cooler than the average bear.

Yeah I�m up Zimm get me coffee and I�ll give you a smoke.

Fuck you X, I�m not getting you coffee

Fuck you then farm boy no smokes for you.

I opened my eyes there was Zimm�s unshaven face peaking up to the top bunk which was my bed �Come on man�


Alright you bastard.

It was all about supply and demand in this situation I had what he wanted and I knew he was just lazy enough to not walk to the exchange to get cigarettes but would get coffee ready for me which was in the room. I could have just as easily gotten out of bed and gotten the coffee for myself but there was a certain satisfaction in making this sometimes over pretentious ass fetch coffee for me. Then too this would keep the whining to a minimum for the next 30 minutes or so which would have continued on and on until I finally gave him a cigarette. So I get coffee without actually having to get out of bed. Zimm returned to the edge of my bunk with the coffee and I handed him a cigarette. I took one sip jumped out of bed and walked out of the room and down the hall to the common restroom and took a piss. The it occurred to me I don�t have to work today I need to get the fuck off the base or I�ll get roped into working and if I hang around the base I�ll have to listen to Zimm make up one excuse after another about why he hasn�t walked his ass down to get smokes yet and continue to bum them from me.

End page one.

Have a great day and a better tomorrow and play nice in the neighborhood and keep on reading who knows I might actually say something interesting.


Current Invisible Army Mission: April 2005
Write me: Don, PO Box 4425, Roanoke, VA 24015

IM me: invisibledon on MSN, invisible980 on AIM, invisible_don on YAHOO
E-mail: [email protected]
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