Why are Thursdays so odd?
2003-12-04 - 1:38 p.m.

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What is it about Thursdays recently I�ve been having very odd days on Thursdays. So I�ve been here at work for going on 14 hours now fun, fun. Well at least the internet is back up now. So I guess the first order of business is to say the problem was the dumbasses who run our internet and their less than practical business ethic and policy of passing the buck rather than saying you know the buck stops here. Well enough about the morons so I did a few updates while the computer was down and posted them in the brief window of time that we had service yesterday

one , two , three , four , and five

Some of you may have read some of them and some of you may have read all of them but in case you missed one or more in the flurry of updates there they are in a nice neat little package.

So lets see I left off my tales of sorted adventures with last Thursday 11-28-03. So I went out after my long thing on Thursday and had a pretty good time. Sort of still miffed about being dumped for such a classy guy. There is more to the story than that too. After guy and buddy get in a fight in the bar and have to go to the hospital guy gets tossed out of the hospital for being an @$$ there too. You know I can really relate to getting dumped for someone who has it more together than myself but something about being dumbed to slum it doesn�t make a lot of sense at all. Of course being trailer trash myself I�m sure it may actually seem like an upgrade so who knows.

I am kind of curious though for the ladies that read here � why do you all do this? I mean why start seeing a guy and then dump a nice guy for an obvious bad choice?

For the guys please tell me this has happened to you. Even it if hasn�t just say that it has instead of the resound no invisible d it�s just you that this happens too.

Of course maybe it is me perhaps I�m just shooting for the wrong type of girl? I think I need to find a girl who � hell I don�t really have a type that I go after � well unless you consider unavailable, undecided, having a passion for neglectful and inattentive partners with issues or abusive traits a type. Then if that is a category then I do have type.

Well now that I know what too look for I shouldn�t have a problem finding a date. But seriously though I�ll have to think about this I need to focus on something. As of right now if I�m attracted to a girl she is

A. attached to someone and just out without whom ever it is she is attached too � this includes married chicks too.

B. Is gay. � It�s not a problem we probably have a lot in common and can swap bad relationships stories over drinks. I think talking up a gay girl would be better than bemoaning being single with guys because we are basically clueless.

C. Has extreme issues � not the sort of things that you can really easily over look � I mean every second of the day is planned out or everything you say is taken about a dozen ways other than what you meant. Example? Ok I�d like fries. Why didn�t you get anything else it�s because I�m fat right you are ashamed to eat in front of me � why do you hate me . Ah That would be a big NO there psycho-babble I just want fries.

D. Tends to be abusive, neglectful or indifferent to anyone else in the world but herself � This is CPG to a tee but that isn�t the point there were girls like that before her and will be after I�m sure.

Ok then if there is someone out who is interested in me they are either:

A. Married � yes we�ve covered this already but this is the other way them to me not me to them.

B. It�s a guy � and I know I should be flattered and all that being that several people have told that I should be that gay guys are really rather picky � I�m thinking you know of all the gay guys who have worked for the beta unit only one of them was really picky about who they went out with �well two but one of them in still in the closet. So I�m not sure that he counts. But like I said I don�t have a problem with homosexuality I�m just not turned on by guys.

C. Well I don�t think there is a C here they are either married gay guys or just flat out not interested.

So anyway that has been my experience in try to get back into the dating scene for the last year.

Well enough of that

So Friday night coworker from the SM asks if I want to go to see this band play. I�m not sure because Wednesday and Thursday were both big nights finally I said oh ok what the heck I�ll go. The band is awesome they are the Starcity Wildcats check �em out and see them if you can. Well at the bar Kara O�Kanes, yes a nice Irish pub for a good Irish boy. So I talked to Co-work and a friend of hers for a while talked to one girl turned out to be married � Strike one, Talked another girl who seemed nice, Engaged � Strike two, tried to talk to another one later who has this really cool tattoo on her left forearm with Chinese writing � anyway she was hot � also married. Strike three � you�re out I don�t try after that it just looks bad sit back and enjoy the evening. Well then one girl comes up and starts talking to me I know it�s a former student but she doesn�t recognize me why would college prof. be out in a bar ?? She starts chatting me up and I�m like ok where is the flaw and just when I�m starting to think hey you know she quit school, she say �hey that guy that is with you all the one with the nose ring and gauges and all the tattoos he is really dreamy do you know if he is seeing anyone?� Ah No Let me ask � so across the table �Dude you seeing anyone?� Him �Yeah.� Me �Pretty seriously?� Him, �Yeah Why?� Me �No reason Thanks� Me to her �yeah he has a girl friend� So what does she do goes and tries to see how serious. What is that about? Hey I�m not offended because obviously I was seen a wingman and I did my wing man duties and found out critical information for a tactical or strategic battle plan.

I need a wingman for myself, jonzo is currently unavailable as he has taken on another job to pay off some bills until shortly after the first of the year so he is extremely busy right now.

So then home ran into Soverycherry said hi really quick as she was on her way out as I was leaving too.

Then Saturday was with the dynamic duo � took the kids out so they could get CPG a birthday gift as it is this week while they are with her. Then we went to see the movie �Haunted Mansion� - it was ok and a little more spooky than it seems on the commercials but the kids liked it so it was worth it then we came home and hung out for the evening. The next day they went back to CPG�s in the afternoon but we hung out at home just doing stuff.

Monday was work until one then home to work on end of the semester stuff for my class. Worked out watched some movies and read.

Tuesday � work went home worked more on school stuff movies reading and bed.

Wednesday aka yesterday worked until 3 went home was up until 5 tried to sleep by watching a movie that almost worked for while. Phone rang talked for an hour or so then tried to sleep some more finally dozed off around 7ish with automatic gunfire in the background nothing like M-16, M-60 AKA-47 RPG explosions, Vulcan mini guns and single barrel .50 calibers to lull you off to sleep all with the hum of black hawks and huey�s thumping the air. Then the machine pistols, 9mm�s and .762 assault rifles too mixed its all very comforting and makes for interesting dreams.

Which lately I�ve had a few rather vivid semi-erotic dreams but they don�t really fit in with what has been covered so far in this entry I may go into them later in another entry � hey at least it�s something to look forward too and everyone likes to have something to look forward too right.

Yeah I know I have problems but at least I know I have them.

I think that is about it don�t forget to do the current invisible army mission: December 2003

I�ll have promotions up soon well that�s it I�m out, peace.

Have a great day and even better tomorrow. Play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Z101

Wearing: White pull over, grey cords, boots, gray boxer briefs, white t-shirt, white socks, black cord necklace, silver ring and two earrings left ear.

Drinking: Coffee

Eating: nothing

Current Invisible Army Mission: December 2003

Write me: Don, PO Box 4425, Roanoke, VA 24015

IM me: invisibledon on MSN, invisible980 on AIM

E-mail: [email protected]

Fave local band: Starcity Wildcats

Song lyrics:


Quote : Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

Last night I slept for: 0 hours

Last IM was from: Violentkiss

Found Site du jour:

Search engine hit du jour:

- Invisibledon

- Micro � bikinis � Bikini-Beach

� 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017
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