Wrote this one on Thanksgiving Day
2003-12-03 - 12:57 p.m.

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Well the thing is I carry with me what I see as really dark secrets mostly however they probably aren�t any darker than anyone else�s

So this week past week November something or other through today the 28th was fairly odd

On Sunday the dynamic duo came to my place and we had a good time just doing stuff around the house and they had friends over to play.

Monday was work � busy as hell but only a half day and at some point the internet died because verizon S*(&*(#(@$$ then got home picked up the kids from school and then they both wanted friends over again. I Think at one point there were 7 kids at my house � not so bad - Doodle and her friends continue with the vampire thing � which isn�t really a good thing as far as spooking people �then my behavior when they aren�t there does seem more nocturnal than day time living in that I�m not there at all during the day and then I sleep on the sofa with the TV on so I appears that I�m awake all night.

The kids had a good time with there friends and we ordered pizza and had a big time and watched the Santa Claus 2

Tuesday � work again � the kids aunt was in so they did the afternoon with the aunt and came back home we hung out at home and watched NICKTOONS�

Then Wednesday work again � the kids went to CPG�s because they are doing t-day with her this year � they did t-day with her last year too but that was because her sister is in this year with the new husband � whatever I�m too accommodating with her but I don�t do it for her I do it because the kids don�t need to put up with her crap

Then I went to my fave dive bar because cooking for one just sucks � so I got a school house pizza and tatter tots mmm mmm good � I know I eat so healthy that it is scary of course it is all washed down with Guinness yummy

Well my cousin in NC is driving up so I don�t plan on being out that long but he made better time than he thought he would so when he calls and says I�m in Roanoke how do I get to you I say I�m still out at the dive bar and he goes I�ll go there asks his wife what she thinks about coming out to the dive bar she is all cool with that so I talk them into the dive bar and they get there. We sit down and then everyone and their brother that I know show up at the place. Z101 DJ is there and he says hey, K and her brother who is in town for t-day show up with a few other friends, Travis, cricket, Gauge ear guy, Nosey third grade teacher so I was like freakin Norm on Cheers � every one that walks in the place is saying hey to me � maybe I hang out there too much? Well we end up closing the place down. Then we crashed at my place and we were all up early the next day so cousin and his wife could drive up and spend t-day with his dad who is the alpha units brother.

I had a head ache and said OW! Most of the morning � getting into work and hanging out all day in the Museums alone fun stuff let me tell you. Got work done � and had what has accidentally turned into my traditional Thanksgiving day fare � tuna and soup. Seriously it has been what I�ve had for the last four years including this one. Yesterday obviously I was here, then last year the kids were with CPG so I worked and had the tuna thing with soup, the year before � we, CPG and I, were still together but this was the last t-day for us � but we had bigger plans for Christmas so I worked to take the time off at Christmas. The year before that we were going to Brazil so I worked again to have the time off for that trip. I don�t remember if I worked the year before that or not � I�m here at work so I could check but I�m thinking I didn�t work that year. So the last time I actually had a sit down �traditional� Thanksgiving day meal was in 1999. You know what though I really don�t miss it that much. As far as holidays go Thanksgiving is really on of the least favorite holidays of the year. But I always watch the Detroit football game � being that for a period of time I was Detroit trailer trash � yup yup. I�m changing the term YUP to Young Urban Poor people the yuppies can still keep the PIE with the YUP. Well like they say you can take the trash out of the trailer park but you can�t take the trailer park out of the trash.

Well I get off work last night and head home shower up sit around and start watching the usual suspects � excellent movie � Verbal Kent is one of my favorite characters in a movie � Fennster is a cool one too but only because he can�t really speak that well. Well I�m watching the movie and the phone rings K and her brother want to hang out so I meet them with some friend down at CB&Co. I really don�t like this place but it is sort of fun to watch all the trolling going on guys and girls both circling around trying to pretend that the reason that they are out isn�t to get laid. � Not a judgment at all on my part I just like to watch the things

Well CB&Co. was left behind to go to 309 so up the street we all went. This was a little better place to hang out it�s a classy bar but not too over priced. Well then J � the girl who most recently broke up with me showed up � with the guy she went back too � first time I got to meet him � that was ok we really didn�t have to talk at all because he immediately sees K and goes down on her � well fake going down on her but still then one of his buddies gets into a fight with someone so they all got tossed out � and then I ended up helping the bar staff clean up the broken glass because there was a big hunk of flesh hanging on the window and they wouldn�t touch the glass because they were freaking out. EW EW OMG and stuff, I�m like please it�s just some blood and tiny bits of skin well not so tiny but still it isn�t like its going to crawl up on you.

Well that sort of put a damper on the evening for everyone so they all headed out to the Texas Tavern for early a.m. food � personally I�m not a big fan of the tavern so I head home and crash out so I could come into work.

So that is what I�ve been up too � what have you been up too?

Have a great day and even better tomorrow. Play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Z101

Wearing: White pull over, jeans, boots, black boxer briefs, Guinness t-shirt, white socks, silver ring and two earrings left ear.

Drinking: Coffee

Eating: nothing

Current Invisible Army Mission: October/November 2003

Write me: Don, PO Box 4425, Roanoke, VA 24015

IM me: invisibledon on MSN, invisible980 on AIM

E-mail: [email protected]

Song lyrics:


Quote : Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

Last night I slept for: 3.5 hours

Last IM was from: wild-fire

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