If you aren't a life guard you don't have to jump in the water...you can just watch
2009-07-31 - 10:50 p.m.

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One of the things I learned in life guarding is that you sometimes have to knock out the person or die yourself. The danger is that the person is flailing around so hard and so much that if you try to move in you are likely to be killed in in the process. In some cases you have to let the person drown to then try to save them with CPR.

How strange is that, all your training say help them help them, but you have to be just out of reach to be safe and then let them die. I know really sort of mostly cloudy there with that thought but one dead that might be saved is better than two dead that no one can save.

I�m not trying to save anyone at the moment, no one is really drowning it's just ... that I�m in a similar situation. Not that I'm the drowning person or a life guard... but both.

It�s like trying to stay afloat in a typhoon. If you struggle you�ll just tire and die.

It is so chaotic it is like watching a drowning person attack the lifeguard. The more action creates more waves, more spray, more chaos, and less clarity there is in the situation.

Then there is the whole are you kidding aspect? Seriously, how can you hear those words and actually think they make any sense at all?

To the less cryptic and yet possibly less understandable. No it will be clearer

So I quit smoking very nearly a year ago now. I�m not saying that to try to get pats on the back because there is bad news with all of this too. I really struggled with quitting on a daily basis. Hell, I still want the blasted things. As bad as they are for you and expensive. I�m so glad I�m quit now. However, like every other attempt I�ve made at quitting I gained weight.

Yup the whole hand to mouth thing.

So now I need to get started back to losing the weight I gained from not smoking. There were other factors in that gain too but I didn�t go back to the cigs to cope with the stress and the gaining weight like I have in the past.

I�m still working on the plan. But it�s a plan. The typhoon has me a bit distracted at the moment.

Better stuff tomorrow.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


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