The ABC�s of Invisible Don
2003-04-02 - 7:11 a.m.

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I borrowed this from Onebluegreen on this page she borrowed it from some one, who borrowed it from some one and maybe it goes on and on. So feel free to borrow this for your page.

The ABC�s of Invisible Don

A - Act your age? No I don�t. Sometimes I wonder if I�m Peter Pan, but then I try to fly and it doesn�t work so I look around for �Tink� and she is nowhere to be found - I guess I�m really just a lost boy - Oh and yes I am rather serious sometimes even when you think I�m not -you�ll see why later on or you may already know that.

B - Born on what day of the week? Tuesday

C - Chore you hate? Scooping the cat box

D - Dad's name? Alpha unit

E - Essential makeup item? Well being a male (Double-checks Yup) not really any are essential but I�ll go with cologne. Survey says�

F - Favorite actor? Christopher Walken mainly because he lives outside the box, in an industry that is very much driven by everything fitting together well

G - Gold or silver? Silver or Platinum

H - Hometown? BFE West �by god� Virginia, I would say where but I don�t want to leave indisputable proof of who I am

I - Instruments you play? Sadly I have about as much musical talent as a stick, but favorite things to play are air guitar I rawk at air guitar, steering wheel drum set and any flat surface piano - Whoa I�m really a very talented music person who knew maybe I could start a band

J - Job title? Underpaid and unappreciated phone monkey/costumer service person/other things. (Good morning this is invisible don how may I help you?)/ part time college instructor/ super hero

K - Kids? Yes I have two thank you very much one of each flavor, the dynamic duo doodle and stunt-boy.

L - Living arrangements? Rental house single guy with so-so social life one week and single dad the opposite week rotates like that every other week

M - Mom's name? Beta unit

N - Need... To be a bit more organized and meet deadlines but then I would probably lose my ulcer and we are really just starting to get along

O - Overnight hospital stays? Birth, then major car crash in Germany one week (over Christmas too), major car crash with peacemaker four days and surgery

P - Phobia? Falling, rodents, and snakes

Q - Quote you like? �Insanity begins when you begin to think your mind is not your friend anymore� Bobby Fisher - reclusive American chess grand master

R - Religious affiliation? - God and I have an understanding - I talk to god, god listens to me and provides answers that aren�t found in a building attended by people once a week pretending to be gods people. So I would say none, I have my own church, it is where ever I am - oh best of all you can sleep in any day you want and you never have to dress up - usually god and I talk in the shower -well it just works out that way I think the line is less busy then

S- Siblings? Two only one flavor this time - both brothers peacemaker and the other one

T - Time you wake up? 6-630 am

U- Unique talent? Well it involve rolling a bowling ball with my tongue up stairs no I won�t show you - well I might if you ask really nice.

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Cooked spinach and brussel sprouts. Blah Yuck and Gross. EW even.

W - Worst habit? Smoking- yes I�m still trying to quit, no that isn�t working out as well as I had hoped. It will. I have an incentive plan

X - X-rays you've had? Most of my body at 4 or 5(I was hit by a motorcycle running into the road after something) Right ankle at 10(jumped off the roof), Right knee - 14(Ran into a tree - running), Chest (3x)-20(military physical), Right hand -23(car crash), left hand -25(car crash)

Y - Yummy food you make? Hmmm I�m a really good cook so almost anything I cook is yummy, I was even paid to do that for a few years, Yup yup, and just ask the dynamic duo they don�t starve.

Z - Zodiac Sign? Libra on the Greco-roman thingy (At least I think that one is Greco-roman I could be wrong- well anyway the one in the newspaper if that helps) and Dragon on the Chinese thingy
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