
WARNING: you may find out more than you wanted to in here
2001-11-26 - 11:05 p.m.

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Ok this is list of questions that I found on lobo21�s page. So I decided to borrow it for my page. So first thanks Dave

I added some questions that I thought should be included. So here it is the entry you all have been dying for the absolutely positively really more than you ever needed to know about invisible don

1.What time is it? (as I take this questionnaire) 1016 am EST

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Mine

3. Nickname? Invisible Don, King of the Bastards, The Priest, Hey You, Oh my god ( I�m not sure why but I hear that a lot when the lights are off)

4. Parents names? Parental Unit Alpha, and Parental Unit Beta

5.Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? No Cake -- nobody loves me it is sad but true however many of the d-landers left many birthday cards as it were in my g-book

6. Date that you regularly blow them out? October 6

7. Pets? A cat named dog

8. Eye color? Hazel -- however they look green most of the time unless I�m wearing dark blue clothing then they look blue or purple yeah I know its really odd but you would like it if your eyes did that -- come on now admit it -- see don�t you feel better

9. Hair color? Brown --was blond as a child but all brown now

10. Piercing? Left ears three times and right ear twice -- I only wear two in the left ear now and only occasionally

11. Tattoos? No -- I did design a Dragon that would have covered my back from the right shoulder to the left hip but I can�t see sinking that kind of money into something I would never see so I never did it. Oh and I was never actually drunk enough to go and the one time I was I was too drunk to get the tattoo so said the guy operating the needle gun So thanks to him for saving my like 500 bucks

12. How much do you love your job? Oh about as much as the Romans liked the Huns, about as much as dogs like cats, about as much as oil likes water � you get the general idea

13. Best gift you've received? Hmmm. Like ever in my life? Slippers I really love my slippers

14. Hometown? You really don�t want to know that but it�s the same place that the Asylum is located.

15. Current Residence? The Star City of the South Roanoke Virginia Hey I just live here I didn�t name it that.

16. Been in love? Yeah and it hurts too

17. Been to Africa? Yes, Egypt. It�s hot and hot and hot and sandy and did I mention it�s hot.

18. Been toilet papering? Like as in House or my ass? Yes to both

19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Yes, remember I said it hurt

20. Been in a car accident? Yes, lets see about 100 only two when I was driving -- none of my relatives or friends drive very well -- most memorable crashes

5 head on crashes with Parental unit alpha not to mention 20 plus or so ditch stops wall bangings and other NASCAR type bumps with other vehicles,

20 random banging arounds with parental unit beta,

5 rear ending of other cars with the peacemaker,

These last two required hand surgeries one hand each crash � had to give up that hand modeling thing

One in Germany where the car flipped and turned for 100 yard off the road. The German police (Poletzi) had to ask what model car it was after the crash because they couldn�t tell from the wreckage � it was a volkswagon beetle possibly the one most identifiable car on the planet � it was fairly banged up � I had a gash on my head a good part of my right hand was bashed and bleeding no fingers lost though

One where the peacemaker crashed us in to a tree at 70 mph cause he fell asleep �this was my fault according to the parental units � as if � this one my left hand was cut very severely requiring a surgery to tie tendons back together and two separate skin grafts � fun stuff

21. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons I don�t know why

22. Coke or Pepsi? Coke for mixing and Pepsi when just drinking a soda and Jones soda �cause it is really good

23. Favorite Movie? Of all time -- currently it would have to be Gladiator --because it incorporates so many aspects of life in the telling of a story -- you know what makes the characters love and hate, you have a sense of who they are before the story and what they might be like after -- well except for the dead people which will be dead people but you know what I mean

24. Favorite Holiday? St. Patrick�s Day --�cause I�m Irish and Why not have a holiday for a guy who got rid of a bunch of snakes could you do that -- I think not

25. Favorite day of the week? Thursday -- I don�t know why I just like that day

26. Favorite word or phrase? Word Phuck - because it works on some many levels

Phrase -- Did I say that out loud

27. Favorite Toothpaste? You know I�m rather critical of what I put in my mouth but I must admit if it keeps my breath from killing people I don�t really think about it much

28. Favorite Restaurant? San Remos in Lautzenhausen Germany -- if it is still there and you get a chance you have to go it is fantastic

29. Favorite Flower? Cala lily

30. Favorite Drink? Non-alcoholic � first coffee, second Kool-aid Third white grape juice

Alcoholic � first Bourbon and Coke, second Spiced Rum and Dr. Pepper, third vodka and grape fruit

31. Favorite sport to watch on T.V.? Football

32. Preferred type of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip the green kind

33. Favorite Sesame Street Character? Grover

34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Depends on the movie -- Disney makes some real crappy stuff too

But if you mean cartoons Mickey is a dick with a fat wad of cash, can�t you just see him saying �those phucking kids make me wanna puke�

35. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? Burger king � �cause they have onion rings

36. When was your last hospital visit? Elective Surgery a year and half ago -- no I didn�t have a nose job

37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Off white

38. How many times did you fail your permit or drivers test? Once I had to borrow a huge caddie from my grandma -you try to parallel park a 30 foot car when you�ve only practiced in an ten foot long civic

39. Who is the last person you got mail from before this? I borrowed this from Lobo21

40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No never aren�t I lucky

41. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Depends on the mood and who I�m with

42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Watch TV even when I�m not bored

43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest from you? Bike rider guy -- he lives in Japan � bike rider guy rode his bike across the US back in the late 70�s just because

44. Most annoying thing? Stupid people �cause they are

45. Bedtime? I�m an adult I don�t have a bedtime -- I go to bed when I damn well please thank you very much, but to get up for work on time I usually go to be at 10pm

46. Who will respond the quickest? No one I didn�t send this to anyone I stole it

47 Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? No one I stole it

48. Favorite all-time TV show? The Tick Cartoon -- waiting to see what the live action one will be like it was somewhat disappointing you can tell how long ago I stole this now

49. Last person you went out to dinner with? Probaseball buddie and his wife and the Hot Babe my girl -- I�ll talk about her later maybe

50. Last Movie you saw? TV or Theatre? TV -- Band of Brothers -- That�s really like a movie rather than a TV show -- I didn�t miss an episode

Theatre -- Planet of the Apes

Rented Tape � Americas Sweethearts and Blow � same night

51. Favorite Music? Loud and louder oh and Lyle Lovett (sp?) the big band stuff and a bunch of stuff if you saw my cd collection you would be like why is this in hear and do you really listen to that or OMG I can�t believe you are in to that band

52. What CD is in your player right this second? Marilyn Manson see

53.What is your deepest fear? Drowning � �cause you know you are technically alive and in good health right up until you die and the thinking part of your brain say can�t breathe but the autonomic part of your brain says but I have my orders and the thinking part says Yeah but you dumb phuck if you open the lungs water will fall in and we both die, The autonomic part says � I have my orders� and you last minute is fighting a battle with a your brain and central nervous system -- why are we on top of the food chain again � oh yeah the thumb

54.What's the best bed you've ever slept in? The one in my apartment in Germany it was big and had these overstuffed down blankets oh man that was a nice bed I really loved that bed

55. What never fails to relax you? A hot Shower

54. What song, book or movie never fails to reduce you to a blubbering mound of Kleenex?

Song - guys don�t cry because of songs

Book - guys don�t cry because of books

Movie - guys don�t cry at movies -- well ok I did cry at the end of Armageddon but being invisible nobody knew

56. What would you do if you were brave and knew you wouldn't fail? Cliff diving

57. Do you hold a grudge or do you forgive? Why? Grudge for awhile - oh hell who am I kidding you piss me off you are on the list but I don�t do nasty things to get back at people and some actually make it back off the list -- so I�m not perfect but who is right

58. If you could change one thing that you did today, what would you change? Why? Stay in bed and not come to work today

59. What is the most vibrant or significant memory you had from your elementary school years?

There are so many -- I didn�t have a particularly fond childhood so most of them are bad and I just don�t like going there. Those doors are better left closed

59. What one talent or skill would you love to be able to have or do that you know you likely will never be able to master in this life?

Sword swallowing

60. Was high school a painful process for you or the best time of your life?

High school, middle school, elementary school it was all bad

61.Who would you pick to play you in a movie based on your life? Why?

Hmm Like if I died today and then someone felt that my life was worth while in making a movie �

That kid from the 6th sense for the younger stuff,

Middle stuff teen years hmmm � you know I�m just not up on the whole teen actor thing Maybe the guy who plays Francis on Malcom in the Middle

Russell Crowe for the Adult stuff

62. If you could go back to your younger self and tell him/her something that you wish you'd known back then, what would you say? How old is that younger self?

Don�t trust your parents with anything they will lie, steal, cheat and other stuff that we won�t do into now -- age 6 well I remember bad stuff from before then but I doubt I would have remember the warning until then

Oh and by stock in Wal mart �start when your ten have your grand father help you

63. If you could choose to be a character in a book, who would you choose?

This is a hard question there are so many people I would want to be

Hector or Holden Caulfield

64. Would you rather cheat on your significant other or have them cheat on you? Why?

Neither there isn�t a way to come out it a better person so neither

65. When looking back on your life, who is the one person that you weren't close to that you wish you had become better friends with?

No one

66. What fictional character would you most like to have as a co-worker? Why?

Lestat, then I could become a vampire

67.If you created a Rock and Roll band, what would your band be called and what would you play?

Band name would be �Who are these losers�

Drums because you get to sit down

68. What has been your best job? Your worst job?

Best job -- Hotel desk clerk didn�t have to do anything

Worst job -- Social worker

69. What is your greatest regret? Why?

There are so many things that I think I regret but I don�t really -- but I do regret buying things sometimes but I take them back afterwards so it isn�t long lasting

70. If you could suddenly have some sort of superpower, what would you choose? Why?

To become Invisible

71. What one food do you eat that makes people look at you like you have a third eyeball?

Lima beans -- nobody I know likes them but that isn�t really all that odd or at least I don�t think it is

72. What Bugs Bunny cartoon ability would you find to be the most useful in real life?

The high speed tunnel digging to anywhere in the world that would save a lot on travel fees

73.If you could be anyone, or anything on Earth who or what would it be?

I would be a house cat man have they got the life

74. Ever been to Europe

Yes, Germany, France, England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Demark, Holland, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Greece,

75. Ever been to Asia?

Yes east Asia Turkey, and Saudi Arabia

76. Ever been to South America?

Yes, Brazil

77. Ever been to Australia?


78. Ever been to Antarctica ?


79. Ever been to North America? Hmmm ah well er ah yeah it�s kinda like home you know but I have been to all three major countries.

States 1-PA, 2-NY,3-NJ, 4-NC,5-SC,6-GA,7-CONN,8- RI,9- MASS, 10-DEL, 11-MD, 12- FL, 13- TX, 14-CA, 15-NV, 16-TN, 17-KY, 18-OH, 19-MICH, 20-IL,21-VA, 22-WV I think that�s all of the ones I�ve been in -- not sure though

CANADA-Vancouver, Whistler, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Windsor,

Mexico -- Tijuana of course

80. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Scotland -- I don�t know but I�ve always had a thing for the Highlands

Ok I could think of some more stuff but I won�t so there you go more stuff then you actually wanted to know about me � oh and if you actually read down this far sign the g-book and say so

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